Introducing January Math Journals for Kindergarten

Home for a snow day and sharing my most recent creation. I have created a simple math journal packet that I will be implementing with my students. Many of my students struggle with writing numbers and letters using correct formation and size. I want them to be able to demonstrate what they know with increased independence. I love seeing all the unique math journals kindergarten teachers are using in their classrooms. I searched and searched for a math journal template that would be appropriate for my students. (Remember, my goal is independence.) I found some great stuff but it was either too hard, required too much teacher direction, or it was jut not appealing. So, I made my own to exactly address the skills my kiddo's need to work on.

I have included a color and black/white version of each page. In the top section the students will trace each number. I used a dotted font for the numbers. They will then color today, tomorrow, and yesterday.
In the middle section the children will trace and write the day of the week sentence. They will write the name of the day beginning with a capital letter then lower case. 
The bottom section is where they will represent the date using tally marks and the 10 frames. I may tweak this a bit for February but this is what I am trying for January.
I like how many different skills are practiced on one page. This will nicely supplement the work we do with our math curriculum, and it will provide daily practice in the areas my students need help.
This product is currently free in my TPT store, so feel free to try it out. 

Stay Warm!!

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness! This was just perfect for where my kinders were at...
    Thanks so much! Will you be doing a February? Please say yes. Please say yes!

    I'm new to creating...please check out my store!


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