Great News!! A New Set!! And...a bit of Randomness!

Guess What?? We had the follow up visit to the specialist......

And we got great news!!! Prince Charming's tests came back negative for cancer...his scar is healing great and we have no more doctor visits scheduled!!! Woohoo!!! What a relief!!! Thank you so much for you kind words, prayers and support!!! I LOVE my bloggyland friends!! 
Well I came up with another new idea.... I really think my clip art name should be the ADD Artist, I am constantly drawing new things that dont really fit together into any type of theme, but I like trying to draw different types of characters. I made a set of these crayons for another classroom label set.
Then I had an I am going with a new theme next year ....colorful crayons with bright polka dots and chevron labels in colorful primary colors. And then I thought I could make these little cuties holding the crayons.....what do you think? I am loving the rainbow theme idea and it goes perfectly with stuff I already have. My classroom tables are labeled by color and I have colored caddys holding all the supplies in each table.
How about you? Do you do a classroom theme or try to match everything using a color theme? I think the new set will look so cute!! 
What are your summer plans....reading? 
I plan to read the stack of books growing under the end table. I've been adding to the stack throughout the year. A lot of mysteries in the pile....that's probably my favorite read. We are taking a mini vacation in July...hopefully to the ocean...maybe Virginia Beach. I am going to take a few online classes and I am also hoping to join in on one of the online book studies going on this summer. Sounds like a fun idea....and you can do it in your jammies drinking coffee....what could be better??

Seriously, thanks again for your prayers and support!!! Have a great week!!

Where Have I Been and a Flash Freebie!!

Wow, I just realized I have not written a blog post in over a month. The days just seem to fly by! If you are a fan of my Kindergarten Homework Packets I am SO VERY SORRY I never finished the May packet. Things have been in a bit of chaos at our house with some great highs and a few lows...but we are keeping optimistic thoughts!! School is out for the summer so that is a bit of relief on our daily schedule. I debated about posting before tomorrow but I believe in the power of prayer so I am sharing our news. A little over a month ago we noticed a very small red dot on my grandson's temple. This little tiny dot grew rapidly and my daughter took him to the doctor who referred him to a specialist. Her is the little guy take about 6 weeks ago....
We watched that little dot grow so fast into a fairly good sized bump on his temple. Before she had her appointment with the specialist that little bump broke open bled like crazy to the point we ended up at the ER for about 5 hours while they tried to figure out why it wouldn't stop bleeding....poor little Prince Charming!! The appointment with the specialist got bumped up. We had our visit and surgery was scheduled for the next day. Yikes is all I could one ever gets surgery within a day unless it is something pretty serious!. They couldnt put him to sleep for the surgery because he still has the hole in his heart, but he slept through the procedure with a local. We go tomorrow for the results tomorrow to find out if it is a rare type of  cancer (doctor said 1 in 1,000,000 babies have this). So, can you just say a little prayer that we get good results tomorrow! I will post tomorrow to let you know what happened!! Gosh, what a "Debbie Downer" I am, lol. Here is  a pic of Prince Charming after his surgery...

I've been doing more drawing.....I think it is like a therapy for me. I have LOTS made!! I just need to get them in some sort of category as they are pretty random. I also learned how to make editable labels....YAHOO!! Not quite as difficult as I thought. So I created a cute dotty background and made a word wall with one of my fonts. 

I have included the font in the zip file so you can download and install it on your computer and make everything match if you wish. You need a method to 'unzip' the file and PowerPoint to edit the labels. It is currently available in my TPT store.

Have a great week!!