
Easy Peasy Craft Your Little Readers Will Love!!

Have you seen seen those little google eyes the kiddos can put on their fingers while they are reading? I thought they looked like a simple motivator my kiddo's would love. I heard you could get them at the dollar store. Well I have searched every dollar store chain and have not found them. Well last week when I was at the craft store I noticed their display for their alien day craft and came up with a super cheap and fun substitution....

Isn't that cute???

I cut my pipe cleaner to 4 inches. The trick is to apply a dot of the tacky glue and then let it 'gel' a few minutes before you assemble. Trust me it keeps things from sliding all over and then it will dry evenly.

Here are a few more I made but the possibilities are endless. Littles could easily make their own, just use q-tips and a bit of glue on a recycled plastic lid.

What do you think? 


  1. These are SOOOO cute!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I found the google finger things at Amazon.

  3. I love these! I think I might make these with my niece on Monday. She's almost 3 but we try to do a little craft each week. Plus I can make them for my class when she gets tired of them. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love this idea!!! Going to have to make some!

  5. I did something very similar. I put the googley eye on a popsicle stick and the kids can use them as a Reading tracker

  6. These are so stinking cute!!! your creativity leaves me in awe. Thank you for sharing.

  7. These are adorable! I actually just found them at Michaels this week but they were $2.99. At least you can use coupons and teacher discount!

    The Polished Teacher

  8. wooow....It's a nice idea.Thanks for sharing..I am going to try....
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