LISTENING.....SO....currently we are watching the entire series of Lost AGAIN!! I think that might be one of my favorite shows! How did I never watch it when it was on TV? Was I under a rock somewhere? We watched it over Christmas break when the whole family was sick but now we are watching it again...we are hooked! My daughter even bought the X-Box game for it! They were funny too as they played it because they kept saying... 'that did not really happen in the show".
I am THINKING....that I should get off my comfy couch and go buy some MILK for my coffee!! Bwahahaha!! I need milk in my coffee!! I mean it's like an oreo with no filling....peanutbutter without is a necessity!!
I am currently SLIPPERS. Do you just have that one comfort piece of clothing, shoes, pillow or blanket? Well I actually have ALL of those things, LOL. But I am telling you the MINUTE I walk in the house from anywhere I put on my slippers like good ol' Mr. Rogers!! AND I cannot find them!! My grandson put them on yesterday and was walking around and I have looked everywhere and I don't know where he put them. Since he is only 2 he is not a tremendous help in finding them!!! I am SERIOUS I WANT my SLIPPERS!!!
I am currently NEEDING.... Spring Break!! Don't get me wrong, I love my kiddo's at school, but I need a break. I have felt like I have been on the brink of getting sick for over a week. I feel blah....headache, dizzy...but not enough to make me stay home from work. I just need some chill out time!! We aren't going anywhere because my own kids at home always have a different Spring Break that is ok with me because I have a paper to type up before the end of the month.
AND....finally I LIKE.....NOODLES especially mac and cheese, but since I am 'N' it's the closest I could do. I LOVE.... NACHOS with cheese.... and I HATE... NASTY people OK SORRY that is TWO words, but I HATE them, really!! the two-faced bully type that stress me out...even if they have CHEESE....I still hate them!
Well, that's very first 'Currently' was fun! You should give it a try and link up over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade!

I just stopped by from Oh Boy 4th grade. I agree with you on the Spring Break! I teach 5th grade and we are all ready for a little down time. I'm glad I found you because I am hoping to move down to Kindergarten so your blog will be a great resource!