Kindergarten Homework :)

Howdy-do!! I was all set with every intention to blog about my fab idea for making cute and inexpensive window coverings. But, I have not made it to the discount store to buy the materials. It is definitely on my 'list'. I will take pictures and post about it soon!! So instead I am going to share some ideas about homework. Homework in July?
As I prepare for my new group of students coming next year, new math curriculum, and a new co-teacher (who I am so super excited) to work with, I keep thinking about how I want to manage Kindergarten Homework. I have a few thoughts on homework and I wanted to share how I currently manage it with my students. I am a Kindergarten Intervention Specialist. I work with my students in the resource classroom and in their regular education classrooms. They cut an Intervention Specialist at our building for the Fall ( well luckily she got moved to another building and NOT cut) so I am starting with 11 students. In our district, that is a big case load.

Do you have your kinders complete homework?

How often do you send it home? Weekly? Monthly?

When do you start it?

I am in the process of creating monthly bundles of homework that align with the Common Core as well as with our school curriculum. This is a sample of homework activities I have previously created:
I send my homework packets home every Monday. I also send reminder notes home in the student's Communication Notebooks (they ALL have one, and they are sent home daily to be read, signed and returned). But, what about the students who do not return the packets? In my classroom the students earn stickers on a motivation chart. When they earn 5 stickers they can visit the 'treasure' box and pick something to keep. They also receive a certificate each week. The children who do not have their homework are always upset they do not have it completed. For my students who do not return their packet, no problem!! I have a homework center in my classroom. I feel that the concept of completing homework is important, it teaches responsibility. That said, it is really the parent's responsibility to complete it with their child and I feel strongly that the child should not be punished for it not being returned.
I begin my homework the 3rd week of school, after the children have settled into school a bit. The activities are quick and fun, aligned with the Common Core. However, one of the best components of having homework is that it reduced 'surprises' with the parents. Parents who complete the homework packets are always more 'in the loop' with their child's learning level.

Here's a sneak peak at one of my new classroom sets. It's about half finished! :)

Have a great week!!

:) Nancy

Wow, 100 Followers!!

Wow, thanks so much for following me!! I don't have a fabulous follower giveaway but I can thank you by offering my new 'Days of the Week' freebie. I just finished a new set and I wanted to share something from it as a freebie. You can get your freebie and read about my giveaway here:Days of the Week Freebie

Well I have another week and then I will begin teaching Extended School Year (ESY). It should be great as I had many of the students a few years ago when they were in preschool. And, thankfully, we are in a building with A/C.
Beginning in August I plan to write a series of blog posts on 'Managing Student Behavior'. As you know, if you read my 'About Me', I am an Intervention Specialist. I have always had cross-categorical classrooms, which basically means, "Anything Goes". It seems though that I typically have the students with extreme behaviors. Why you ask? No, I am not being punished, lol. I LOVE kiddo's with behavior difficulties, does that sound worded wrong? I have some tried and true strategies that have worked for me and I want to share them with you. I hope you will find the information useful.
Has anyone attended any good Professional Development this summer? I attended a two day Math in-service on our new math curriculum and I was so happy to get my hands on those manuals early. I needed them to get my homework packets done before August. I am also attending a three day in-service on Common Core and Language Arts in August.
Thanks again for following me! I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
