I am super excited about my post today because I am participating in the Magical Product Swap!! Jessica Stanford from Mrs. Stanford's Class organized the event and Michelle from The 3 AM Teacher made the adorable button for the swap. Sidenote: Michelle is a super talented graphic artist and if you ever need clip art you need to go check out her blog and TpT store!! Well, on to the swap...
I was paired with Little Miss Hypothesis.

You must go visit her blog. It is full of fun hand's on science activities and experiences. She is so creative and you can tell she loves being a teacher!! I got to check out her activity titled "I Can Be A Scientist Rock Investigations!" Let me tell you, it is everything you would need for a classroom experience for your students. Her packet is extremely organized with table of contents, learning outcomes, book suggestions, science journal covers, thinking maps, can, have, are writing experience, a rock scavenger hunt, pop rock activities,and my favorite part: the rock sorting mats. I think I counted 14 different sorting mats, wow!! She has thought of everything and more!! Here are just a few pics of some of the great items from this packet!!: I have so many things I like about this Rock Investigation packet. i can't wait to use them this year with my co-teacher and our class. I am super excited to be co-teaching and able to share these types of wonderful learning experiences with a full classroom of eager Kinder learners. Please show some love and stop by the Little Miss Hypothesis blog (just in case you are not already following her)and visit her Little Miss Kindergarten TpT store to grab this activity or one of her other wonderful products.
store Swapping activities was super fun! I hope I get to do this again soon!!
Have a great day!!

Love this!!!
✏ Mrs. Stanford's Class ✏
❤ I hope you enjoyed the swap!! If you would like to join again the link to sign up is on my post :)