Please leave me a comment and let me know any color combinations or themes you are looking for in a classroom design. I have about 30 ideas I want to make. You can buy my classroom sets in my Teacher's Notebook store or TpT.
Hmmm. how many days of school do I have left? I think it's down to 8. I have had such a great year! I love the teachers I work with and I have had wonderful students this year!! I think I am starting out next year with about double what I have now, but that is fine. I am already getting everything ready for August. I have my new bulletin boards laminated and ready to put up. I WILL tackle my disorganized cupboards this summer! I guess I will have to get another table as I think I don't have enough chairs...yikes.
Have a great weekend!!

This made my day! I am so excited I won, I just got your email and the packet is to gorgeous! Thank you! :)
Apples and ABC's
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :) Are you done with school yet?