So.....Mr. Hubby said to try Teacher's Notebook, since the price was a lot less to join. Well I was in serious need of a How-To Manual or Teacher's Notebook for Dummies or a Tutor or something. I couldn't get anything to load. I was trying to do my "shop" through Internet Explorer. I finally closed all my tabs, took a little break, and tried again through Google Chrome and yip-yip-yahoo I got it to work and even loaded a couple items. I have no idea what i was doing wrong but I am glad it finally worked. I added a new little linkie right over there on the right>>>>>>>>>see it there? If anyone has a minute would you take a quick peek and let me know how it looks? I think I need another pair of eyes on it, especially for typo's or grammer errors.
Only 2 more days of Spring hoo. On the bright side, I have my lesson plans written for the next two weeks. I hope my friend Mrs. Custodian remembered to feed my frogs at school. I better make her a "frog-sitting" gift.
Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?

I am getting the Mr to drive me to Indiana to take some materials to the teacher I signed up for on Teacher's Taking Care of Teachers. And then I am sleeping for two days (spring break)
Going Nutty!